This is a condition where the intervertebral disc, the gel-like material between the vertebrae, has begun to wear out due to aging, repetitive stress, smoking, genetics, etc. In most circumstances the cause is multi-factorial, and unless there is compression of the nerves or spinal cord, will not improve with surgery. It is a very common condition and may not even cause symptoms in many people.
Getting a full range of motion, strength and flexibility back after surgery usually takes time. That’s where pre-operative exercise and education and post-operative physical therapy programs come in – to ensure you’re physically and emotionally prepared for surgery and to maximize your recovery after surgery.
After the surgery, your orthopedic surgeon may recommend you to practice several measures to ensure better recovery and avoid possible complications. Some of them include:
You can schedule an appointment by calling us directly to this number 713-441-9000 during our working hours.
Monday – Friday
8am-12pm and 1pm-5pm
When you come for your appointment please remember to obtain and bring the following: